Monday, January 9, 2017

Intermezzo #777: Wolfie Wolf wolfs Out.

Suddenly there appeared Glenn Danzig, and there was a chorus line of wolves-in-grandma-disguises on both sides of him, kicking their wolf legs high in a perverse Rockettes meet Little Red Riding Hood nightmare.  On the back wall of the lounge behind the piano appeared a jump blues trio, all wolves.  They started rocking as Danzig began to sway.  Jens' hackles had popped out all over his neck and the change had begun.

Danzig grabbed a mic stand, also suddenly there for some reason, took the mic off and began to sing:

"Wolf E. Wolfe,  wolfing out!
Wolfie, Wolfie you're wolfing out now!!
Rip a throat out and get your goat out now
Wolf! Wolfie Wolf!  A- Wolfie wolf!
A wolf! Wolf!  Ah-oooooOOOO!!!!

Eviscerate the prey, it's a terrible day,
You can kill all the living but you cannot today-
You're in a limbo hell! And it's too sad to tell--
You can't kill kill kill if you're dead dead dead!
You can't drink your fill when no body flows red!"

By this time almost everyone in the place had had a run in with Jens, and he was indeed quite unable to kill anyone.  It was quite frustrating and eventually he sat down in the corner and panted for a few seconds, growling occasionally.  Merle got a metal mixing bowl and filled it with water and sat it a few feet away from Jens.  Jens lunged at Merle, with little effect.

     "I said-a go, go, go Wolfie, go Wolfa Go!!!" finished Danzig, bowing briefly and abruptly ushering Jens out while the lounge was now quite distracted and overcome by the Wolf/Granny Rockettes.

     "Come ON, Jens!  You do NOT belong here yet. And would you snap out of it?! The moon isn't even half full!"

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