Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What time is it?

   Dave stopped mid stride.  Nik Turner looked back, smiled, and slowed his stroll, bemused.

"What time is it?" Nik asked, as Dave looked all around, confused.

    "Wait, how did we get the fuck here? This is-- wait, this is The Comet!! This is the states, man. Weren't we just in Northampton? The fuck is going on!??"

Many of the bar's patrons looked at Dave Brock.  Some of them shook their head and laughed.  Another tweaked out homeless guy, they may have thought.

Nik stopped walking and stopped smiling.  He looked at the ceiling of the Comet and nodded, then back at Dave, and said.

   "Windowpanes.  I had one.  You ate two.  Then there was the cocaine."

    "No, Nik, you and Robert did the acid.  Lemmy and Alan and I abstained because someone has to keep the train on the goddamn rails. Wait.  Where's Lemmy?"

Nik convinced him to get a pint and they took a stool each at the bar.  The place was abuzz and an old Neu song played above them on the speakers.  

All around them swirled the unreality of a time-space continuum that was confounded by both a rare but natural shift in quantum energy, and the effects of the current music group's chocolate synthesizer, or as our loving reader may know it, the Dimone-Z62-A Multidimensional Super Moog. 

Kraftpark was busy setting up gear on the Comets meager stage.  Ralf, Florian, and Klaus all simultaneously realized that they didn't actually have a fourth band member, and looked at each other suspiciously.  Then waves of realization and recognition spread on Ralf's face.

    "Do either of you remember that time when there were two Kraftparks?" Ralf asked his bandmates.

"Like, another band was impersonating us? Touring as us?" queried Klaus, as he hurriedly plugged in cords to pedals.

    "NO," spat Ralf curtly, "as in like TWO of all of us, not clones but exact copies!"

Klaus and Florian just stared at him for a second.

   "Neither of you remember that?"  Ralf's forehead pinched as he tried to puzzle it out.

"Uh...I don't," Florian piped in, "Are you feeling alright, Ralf?"

    "Stop!  I'm perfectly lucid and fine, Flor.  I haven't even smoked yet tonight." 

The Comet's manager walked past them, and he realized they didn't have 'time' to discuss it further. They hurriedly finished setting up and, in lieu of a soundcheck, launched into a newer song that they'd been working on, "Resistor".

When Florian played the chocolate synth solo during the bridge interlude, he noticed a couple of hippie looking gentleman get up from one end of the bar and rush up toward the stage, dancing and gawking.  It almost looked like those guys from Hawklords.  They were staring at his gear.

    "Look!  It's the chocolate synthesizer!" yelled Dave, gyrating spastically and pointing. 

Nik Turner was tripping very hard and only heard Klaus as he called

"Resistor Resistor

The flurry and jive,

Resistor Resistor

You're barely alive

The blister the blister

You gave to your soul

Resistor Resistor

It's taking control!"

The music was cranked as the crowd began to sway and pulse with the sound.

Dave Brock had seemingly lost his mind as he lunged under the chocolate moog and messed with a wire under it.  Feedback ripped through the club and the music petered to a stop.  Brock was attempting to rip the moog off of the keyboard stand and Florian straight up punched him really hard in the nose. 

"What the hell are you doing?!  That's my gear, fucker!!"

 Blood spurted slowly out of his nose, but Dave did not slow, picking up the chocolate synthesizer and getting into a tug of war with Florian.  

The club manager ran up to the stage and grabbed Brock from behind in a headlock, but not before Dave located and pressed a very special switch on the 'moog'.  As he was pulled away and thrown to the stage floor, the Dimone Z62A was activated.   Inside the device, a countdown had begun.

Florian, who was quite ignorant as to what Brock had actually just done, sat back down in his seat, swearing and placing the chocolate synth back on its stand. He licked his fingers, glaring at Dave Brock, who was now being led out to the alley by the club's huge bouncer Lou.  He could just be heard yelling

   "I'm Dave fucking Brock!! You've never heard of HAWK WIND???!!"

as the door closed behind them.  The band muttered, drank huge swigs of their drinks, and launched into the L.H. Opus.

Nik Turner was tripping his ass off and had not noticed anything had happened. He was still dancing to Resistor, which, in his mind, had not stopped playing.    

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