Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Strawberry Hotcake

 Don acknowledged that the drugs were peaking when, at the top of the Ferris Wheel, he looked over and realized that Strawberry Shortcake was trying to give him a blowjob.  It was the 1980’s toy in real woman form, and his jimmy just wasn’t having it, so laden with whatever the dwarf had dosed him with that he probably wouldn’t get a hard on for several more hours.  

“Hawk! Thwap!” She spit on his dick and sucked it again but to no avail.  

“What is WRONG with you?  God normally guys are so hot by now! Ugh!!” Strawberry groaned.  She gave up and he felt himself mumbling a slurred apology and putting his jimmy back in his Y fronts.  

“Where’s Rumple?” He croaked, gazing down from the ride in horror.  He’d always despised Ferris wheels, ever since the first time his Pa had taken him on one as a wee lad, telling him all about how our great grand uncle such and such had invented the great wheel for the 1893 Colombian Exposition, and how proud he ought to feel at the top when the wheel stopped, and they could look out, son and father, over the fairgrounds.  

    “Who the hell is Rumple?  God, you’re odd!” Said Strawberry Shortcake.  Don suddenly sobered up just enough to realize that it was a normal young lady in a costume.  He felt only slightly less flipped out.

    “The dwarf I was with…how did I get on this ride?!”

    “Sweeney?  Where’d you get ‘Rumple’?  Sweeney sent you with me to keep you safe while he goes and talks to the man!  We have to see what to do with you…or to you.”

    Don shuddered, looking around for escape routes.  His legs felt like wet noodles as he tried to stand, only realizing he was still in the car of the Ferris Wheel when his sudden movement began to flip it over.  The gal grabbed his belt from the back, pulling him back down in the seat.

    “Relax, Donnie!” said Strawberry, stroking his crotch impatiently.  We’ll be stuck up here for another ten minutes, Sweeney had the carny fix it so I could get my rocks off! You gonna fuck me, mister?”

“Drugged…” was all Don could muster and then he, once again, passed out.

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