Tuesday, July 2, 2024

New York -

 A few sweet scenes of honestly horrifying sexual assault upon the unconscious Don later…

"Wait, 'sweet' scenes?! Oh m - Oh my fucking God!" Don screamed as the scent of his ejaculate registered in his mind as the odor of Hi-C he still faintly recalled from his youth.

Another thought struck him despite the shock - "If I'm here only with my senses, how are you doing this at all?"

"Who says your senses are in just one place? They're not, dummy," his rapist replied, ripping him back like a taffy snap solely onto the tractor, where she was grinding up for another round. Don, woozy, struggled poorly out of her grip but finally slipped down onto the dirt, and it hurt but he didn't pass out. The girl laughed out loud and spouted more abuse - "You loser, you deserve an abuser, stealing Dad's tractor, you're a dishonest actor" - and then before she could retract her words, they lay both sprawled out on Times Square.
"Are we *there* there or still at the fair, or maybe here or I don't know, everywhere?"
"Shut up," the girl replied. "Damn cheapskate never taking this goddamn thing in for maintenance, I told him this would start happening, but nooo, Mr. Nickel and Dime Daddy just had to save an ounce of taffy…"
"Are. We. Naked. On. Times. Square?!"
"Eh, don't worry nobody can see us. I think," she replied, worryingly unworried. Still, she zipped back up. Seeing Don gawking she mumbled, "just more comfortable this way," then waveringly put out a hand. "Swenayne."

Don, disgusted, did not return the gesture, but still coldly answered, "Don." A working-class middle-aged couple brushed through him, apparently on their way to a matinee showing of Enter the Dragon.

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