Friday, March 7, 2025

Countdown to Zero

 The countdown ran out. The scene swirled.

 The whole lot of hairy guys, in tacky suits and otherwise, stood around a worn wooden sign reading

but it didn't look very open, except for the opening through smashed window glass.

Most everyone who'd been at the Comet was used to this sort of chaos by now, whether in "real" reality or the realest reality of all—reality in yer head—so they weren't too shaken, but damn if it weren't starting to get annoying.

Dave showed himself as the most organized of the bunch by organizing a headcount. "OK, everyone in Hawkwind is… here. Even Lemmy. What the fuck, Lemmy? Everybody in this totally real band, Kraftpark you guys called it? Y'all are… one… two… three… no, I'm pretty sure there weren't four of you, dudes… here. And you guys… wait what the hell, aren't you Keith Emerson? Who's that with you?? What do you mean, 'we're Asia, the guys with the hit songs 'Countdown to Zero' and 'Heat of the Moment'? What?? Ain't no such band! Anyway you're here, whatever. And hey you, hairiest guys, what the HELL are you wearing you fruits?! What's with the broken English? Your band is called Europe? What a dumb-ass name. 'The guys with the hit song 'Countdown to Zero'?? Well, whatever."

Dave sighed. 

Lemmy was already searching the apparently abandoned Interpretive Building for any drugs he could take.

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