Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Dimone Z-68B Multi-Dimensional Super Tractor

 The next thing Don knew, a cane was rushing toward his face, and then he saw no more.  

     He awoke several minutes later strapped to a chair with a gag in his mouth.  The chair was stuck onto the tractor by pieces of taffy, facing the rear, and the tractor was chuffing along at a merry gait.  He was blindfolded but he could hear the dwarf muttering as he drove the contraption.

“Frenchin’ uplanders messin’ wit me rig, wot biz they gone’ get from bossman how I hope he ain’t sore wit me man, da guy saw too much what was I supposed to do just let him walk away!?  He saw my rig! Couldn’t have him blabbing all about how he’s seen a dimension hopping time traveling tractor!  Got to protect my Dimone Z-68B!! Gaddamn uplanders…”

Just then something happened which actually horrified Don. (Up to this point, he had only been alarmed)

The Dimone Z-68B Supertractor either time or dimension hopped.  Imagine your stereotypical quantum tunnel, then dip it in acid and put it under your tongue.

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