Klaus had never been brought back to life before. He was terrible at it, and decided he'd vomit promptly upon noticing that his swarthy and smelly bandmate Florian was giving him mouth to mouth.
"You're welcome. Don't worry, Krautrock absorbs vomit." Florian announced as they all watched Klaus puking.
Klaus had been clinically dead for about four and a quarter minutes. Which had been enough time to see a Danzig performance, kick a neo-Nazi in the balls, and drink a bunch of booze that didn't do anything. After he washed his mouth out with some real beer, he told them the story of the afterworld as he'd experienced it, the lounge, the dead celebs, the sad skinhead, the weird werewolf and then the Danzig song and the ruckus with the wolves. When he got to the most important part, he stood up and looked around at all his band mates.
"Look, I know you aren't going to believe this, and may say I'm just high and really confused, but Merle Haggard just told me I had work to do, that Pennybags is still alive and planning on returning to get us, and get this, he is actually Mr. PCP!!! Yeah, the demon! Then Merle kissed me on the mouth and I woke up- to Flori- Eh--Bluweh!" and Klaus dry heaved a couple times.
"You're right, I do think you are just high and confused," mumbled Ralf, "but I am glad you aren't dead."
"Merle said," Klaus continued, then paused to catch his breath and drink some more beer, "that we gotta contact this lady, Mama Brain, and Glenn Danzig. That it was a matter of life and death and that possibly this universes very existence could hang in the balance!! Oh, and Lemmy was there and he concurred!!"
The three other members of Kraftpark gathered in a huddle about seven yards from Klaus, repeatedly leering over at him in the midst of their hushed whispers.
Florian walked back over to him.
"We believe you."
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