"Hello? Are we on another message?" said Bob.
"Yeah." replied Erik. (feedback in background...)
"I wish there was some way to keep it from doing that." preens Erik, annoyed. Bob immediately continues.
"Okay-- now that the adults are to bed we can continue. . . :
Rosie Rial walked in to hear her husband yell:
'Gosh! Darn! Heck Crap! Frick, Frig! Offal Deth!'
A turtle climbed out of a box, got picked up by an Israeli spy, got sent to India, mistaken for an ancient God, and got shot. Super-Pup had to call Safety-Pup to wake up Son-of-A-Pup to bellydance in private.
So he did! But then the world ended! So they traveled to Alpha Centuri to start a new life. But they all died, except for Son-of-A-Pup, who hid in a canister of tuna to a Swahili Paradise. (feedback)
The improbability never ends at Joe Co. (More feedback)
Big Boys had Itchy Penises. Son-of-A-Pup were (feedback!) disgusts!! Bad grammar comes in Big Packages! Safety-Pup, just before he died, opened a Big Package. Donald, almost after she ate, created a beautiful masterpiece. (feedback) BobbenAirick refer to an earlier work, thus creating a logical wormhole in the reality of all Agatha Christie novels! Insect-Man smiled at a toddler.
"Welcome to Gay and Lesbian Choice Hour!" said his best friend.
An N.P.R. agent jumped out of the bushes, killing them both! But he showed his identification first, describing himself as a member of the Albanian branch of Sidd Feit. The closet Irish Geophysicist Army (I.G.A.) agent took notes while applying a dime store moustache. He then shook hands with Maora Brie Yoka, the Albanian, concealing a joy-buzzer in his other hand because he forgot which hand to use.
'Shut up.'
'SHUT UP? It looks like a bad word but it isn't!'
"I'd like to welcome you to the King's Island Eiffel Tower, which stands 1,733 feet high, or 33 stories high. As we ascend to the platform at fifty feet per second, or seven miles per hour, I'd like to remind you that it is forbidden by Ohio state law to drop or spit anything from the tower. When the elevator comes to a complete stop, you can exit out the door to my right, and we hope you enjoy your day here at King's Island," said a black teenage boy. He glared at the passengers, hate glaring in his eyes, with a pre-paid smile plastered on his cracking lips." "
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