Saturday, February 8, 2014

Concert In The Park Beach Ball with George

Joe stopped wondering how his basement had turned into a concert in a park when a beach ball smacked him in the face.
     "Pretty sure that wasn't a hallucination," he muttered, resigned, and moved to the front of the stage to start Hawkwind's last number, a more-tripped-out-than-usual version of "Master Of The Universe".  He licked chocolate off his fingers.  Dave Brock's eyes shot out rays of almost invisible yellow-green mist.
     Lemtata was dancing naked in a cage-- well, naked except for knee high bright orange go-go boots and a seven foot python.  The cage was your typical late '60's discotech 6 ft. tall fake-gilded canary cage.  Joe was not at all struck by how un-Lemtata this behavior was; she was a feminazi who wouldn't be caught dead dancing in a cage wearing only go-go boots.
    The crowd of fans and onlookers were equally unimpressed by Jose, despite the fact that he was now also onstage, simultaneously vomiting into a dripping plaid sleeve and convulsing on the control stick of a strange towering machine that looked sorta like a vending machine from Mars.  (Was it 1975?  Why did nobody recognize an upright videogame?) The machine was emitting a barrage of noises that fit right in with the 'musical' number.   Only Acid, the policeman who did not turn into Sting, was impressed.  He stood next to Jose and pumped his fist, mouthing "wakawakawakawakawakawakw" silently as Jose progressed.
     The song came to a conclusion, and Dave, Lemmy, Joe and nearly all the other wind hawks came to the front of the stage and did a dramatic group bow.  Joe ripped the chocolate Moog in half and threw it into the front row, yelling "Junk For Sale!"  The people in the first two rows pounced on it and began devouring the Moog greedily, pausing here and there to pull non chocolate wires from their teeth.
      Jose was still lost in his game, his face pale and drawn, sweat dripping off of his brow.  His eyes looked like those of a cadaver.
     The crowd dispersed, somewhat, as the techies took down the band's equipment to make room for the next act.
     Joe went to Lemtata, who appeared to have just snapped out of her trance.  She was looking down in horror at the python and at her naked condition.
     "JOE!!!" she screamed.
     "Lem, it's okay, it's okay, here," said Joe, handing her a white bathrobe and a pair of random girls underwear that had landed on him mid set.  He took the python from her and absent mindedly let it go in the grass as Lemtata hurriedly got dressed.  She looked at the bathrobe, which was embroidered with a hotel logo and a name at the breast pocket.

     "Who is George?" she said.

Just then, the closing act, Atom Speck and the Micro-Particulates, burst into a heavy driven psychedelic rock meltdown, before the techies had even finished clearing Hawkwind's gear offstage.

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