"You have got to be kidding. Of course I know what it's like!" moaned Danzig. "And they're always like, 'well I forgot where I was going with Danzig' this, and 'man we should just reboot' that!" He pulled another nostalgia-filled 1970's Ohio marshmallow out of a late-space-age-plastic bag and popped it into his mouth. "Awm ish jush sro umfair!" Gulp. "And I'm not greedy. I can handle you being the star, oh, that's no problem," he stressed, nodding at Joe Eawest. "You have my full support."
"I could even handle that emo-ass other-me twerp!" cried Original Universe Joe©. "I could! I really could! If he just... I mean... aaaaargh!!! This is like fuckin' molasses, man!"
A local hedgehog that had been wandering by began an interpretive dance. Joe put on flame-resistant gloves, positioned his beat-up guitar over the fire, and began playing a song to justify the hedgehog's motions while hoping fruitlessly that its sturdy construction would begin to burn. The hedgehog's dance seemed to be expressing the hedgehog's disappointment over the new season of Thundercats. After a few lyricless minutes, the three human bonfire-mates felt compelled to improv some lyrics for it.
Lemmy sang,
"When Billy Pilgrim rode the coaster,
Did I stop and baste the toaster,
Did I ever love you once,
Upon a rhyme?"
Original Universe Joe© sang,
"On the edge of time,
On the edge of time,
May I have cream with that please,
Because our souls are in agony?
On the edge of tiiiime!"
Danzig, having suddenly grown fond of voice alteration, took it up a level: he underwent mitosis, and then then Danzigs went to stand in admirable 1970s get-stoned-and-listen-to-stereo stereo-speaker positioning relative to Lemmy and Original Universe Joe©.
OUJ shouted: "One one!"
The Danzigs intoned a speaker check:
"One one!!" enthused OUJ.
This continued for a while, interspersed by an announcer's voice speaking commie. Somewhere during this, Lily Tomlin sauntered by and improv'ed, "The Chicago and Kansas concert in Boston has been changed to the Kansas and Boston concert in Chicago. If you have tickets, keep them; they will be honored at the door."
Upon having been about to hear it, Billy Pilgrim briefly existed in the vicinity and shouted, "Scene 23!" before not existing again.